A New Home for Corpus Christi!
Corpus Christi will move to its new home at 952 Orange Grove Road, beginning the First Sunday of Advent, 1 December 2024! Please see the announcement from Fr Allen below.
+ JMJ +
Dear friends,
"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy!"
Our parish has reached an agreement with the Diocese of Charleston to lease the building and property of the former Church of God of Prophecy on Orange Grove Road in West Ashley, which the Diocese purchased last year. This will be new home for Corpus Christi, a place of our own. We will celebrate our first Mass and begin our life together there on December 1st, the First Sunday of Advent.
The location, just off the merge of Old Towne Rd and Sam Rittenberg Blvd, close to the North Bridge, is easily accessed from all parts of the greater Charleston area, and the very serviceable and sound building is situated on beautiful property with mature oaks and dogwoods and plenty of room for picnics and play. There is a large church, several classrooms, an office, kitchen, and hall, and (and I can't emphasize this enough!) plenty of parking - a welcome change from our downtown parking garage struggles. This is a home in which we and our children may pray, learn, grow, and enjoy the fellowship the Lord calls his people to.
Of course, there is a lot of work to be done, and it will be perhaps some time before we can "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" to which we aspire. In short order, I will begin asking for your help as we transform this former Protestant church into a sanctuary for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and our Lord's abiding presence in the tabernacle. There are a great many things to be acquired - an altar, tabernacle, the myriad liturgical items necessary to Catholic worship, chairs and tables - the list goes on and is long, and again, we will need your help. [View our “Wish List”!] Additionally, though the Diocese of Charleston has made this property available to us on exceedingly generous terms, rent will be a significant added monthly expense. While we have always been frugal in our expenses and have substantial savings, I will also be asking you to give sacrificially as together, trusting in the Lord's provision, we take this new step in faith.
We have much to be grateful for, including especially the hospitality of St Mary's these last ten years, and much to look forward to. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday evening, October 2nd*, for an opportunity to tour the property. Please also keep an eye out for upcoming communications with specific ways you may help with the transition and be ready to respond. And, most of all, please pray for the Lord's guidance and blessing as we move forward together, that we may know Christ and to make him known!
God bless you,
Fr Allen
*[Unavoidably delayed - announcement of new date coming soon!}