The Beauty of Holiness

“Ascribe unto the LORD the honour due unto his Name; * bring presents, and come into his courts.
    O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness; * let the whole earth stand in awe of him.”
Psalm 96.8-9

For the first time, Corpus Christi will have a home of our own in a former Protestant church at 952 Orange Grove Rd in West Ashley. In a very short time we need to transform this space into a suitable home for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, other Sacramental Rites and devotions, and our life together. Your gift will help us purchase beautiful liturgical items for the reverent celebration of the Sacraments and the devotional life of our community!

View our "Wish List" below, and when you give, please indicate in the “memo” field which item you wish to fund (i.e., "Chalice", "Altar Cross," &c). God bless you!

More items to be added soon!

  • Baptismal Font

  • Dossal Curtain & Posts

  • Our Lady of Walsingham Shrine

  • Vases for Altar Flowers

  • Pulpit & Lectern

  • Organ

  • Stations of the Cross

  • Alms Basins

  • Sound System

  • Sink, Sacrarium, & Sacristy Needs

  • Office Needs

  • More…