Corpus Christi depends on and appreciates the offerings of our members and friends. Click the button above to give, scroll down for QR codes, or keep reading to learn more about our safe and secure means of online giving. May God bless you in your generosity!
Click here to set up your online giving account. There are presently three different funds to which you may give:
The “General Fund” supports our operating budget, and regular gifts and “tithes” should go here.
The “Building Fund” is our nest egg for future property acquisition or rental.
The “Beauty of Holiness” fund is for the purchase of beautiful liturgical items and church furnishings for our new home in West Ashley (read about our new home here, and view our “wish list” here).
Other funds (i.e., All Souls’ Mass intentions, Christmas poinsettias, &c.) will be available as appropriate.
After choosing the appropriate fund and the amount of your gift, choose your method of payment located at the bottom of the page and then click "Continue." On the left side of the next page, you will set up your account with your name, address, phone, email address and payment information. You will also create a password and process the transaction. For future logins, your user ID is your email address and the password is the one you set up here. On the right side of the page, you will see a summary of your donation choices.
This completes the setup of your new online giving account. Thank you for using online giving!
General Fund
Our parish's primary operating fund. Your gift helps pay for salaries, our building, supplies for the Sacraments and Christian formation - all things needful for our life together!
“Wish List”
Your gift helps us purchase beautiful liturgical items for our new home. View the Wish List.
Building Fund
Corpus Christi's goal is to have "a home of our own" for the beautiful and reverent worship of God in the full communion of the Catholic Church, where the worthy patrimony of Anglican liturgy and spirituality is preserved, nourished, and renewed “as a precious gift nourishing the faith of the members of the Ordinariate and as a treasure to be shared” (Benedict XVI, Anglicanorum coetibus), and where families are nourished and grow together in truth, beauty, and goodness. Your gift helps us make this holy ambition a reality!
If you would like a Mass offered for a special intention, please contact Joan in the parish office (email; 843.722.7696 ) to schedule the Mass. In both the Diocese of Charleston and the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (for Corpus Christi), the suggested donation for a Mass is $10.
More details about Mass Intentions can be found here.
Would you like to celebrate a special event or honor the memory of a loved one by sponsoring the Sunday flower arrangements at St. Mary's? There are two arrangements in the sanctuary. Each arrangement sponsorship is $75. Your gift will be noted in St. Mary's weekend bulletin unless you prefer anonymity. To make a request, click HERE to download and print the request form, and mail it to or drop it by the St. Mary's parish offices with your check payable to the parish. If you wish to learn which weekends are available, please call Joan in the St. Mary's office at 843.722.7696. Thank you for your gift of beauty to our Masses.