Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Seventy times seven!"; Our Lady of Sorrows; Ulma Family Documentary; Wed School Book Club; Wed School RSVP; Ember Days; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Trinity 14
Please click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: “...there am I in the midst of them"; Happy Birthday, Mary!; Needlepoint & the Beauty of Holiness; Ulma Beatification; Wednesday School RSVP; More!
Wednesday School RSVP, 9-20-2023
Please use this form to RSVP for Wednesday School community supper, September 20th.
Meal is served at 5.30PM.
13th Sunday after Trinity
Please click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: “Take up your cross…”; Tragedy at Bishop England: Wednesday School; More!
Wednesday School RSVP, 9-6-2023
Please use this form to RSVP for Wednesday School community supper, September 16th.
Meal is served at 5.30PM.
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
Please click on the link for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: The Keys of the Kingdom; Wednesday School; More!
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Even the dogs"; Back to School; Prayers for Teachers and Students; ...That you should become holy; More!
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Tuesday, 15 August
8AM*, 12PM*, 6PM**
Holy Day of Obligation
*Roman Missal **Divine Worship
Rejoice we all in the Lord, keeping holy-day in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
in whose solemnity the Angels rejoice and glorify the Son of God.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "I will give you rest..."; 10 Years a Priest; Eucharist & Evangelism in the Ordinariate; "Aaron's drest"; more!
4th Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: “Not worthy of me"; Fire at Incarnation, Orlando and Second Collection; Three New Priests; Independence Day; More!