Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "His eye is on the sparrow"; Nativity of John the Baptist; Peter & Paul; No to Torture; More!
2nd Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "The harvest is plentiful"; Summer Camp; the Sacred Heart of Jesus!"
Trinity Sunday
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Trinity Sunday: "God so loved the world"; The Trinity with St. Thomas; The Trinity & Love; Photo request; More!
Whitsunday: The Day of Pentecost
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Receive the Holy Spirit"; Whitsunday; Baptisms, Confirmations, and Weddings, Oh My!; Memorial Day; More!
Easter 7 & Pentecost Novena
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "That they may know you, the only true God"; Pray the Pentecost Novena for our next steps!; St Clare of Assisi on Daniel Island Consecrated; More!
Ascension Day
Thursday, May 18th, 8.00AM & 6.00PM
Holy Mass for the Ascension of the Lord
A Holy Day of Obligation for Ordinariate members
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"God is gone up with a merry noise!"
Holy Mass will be celebrated at 8AM and 6.00PM on Ascension Day. Ordinariate members are obligated to attend Mass, if not at Corpus Christi then at another conveniently located parish. In the Diocese of Charleston, the Solemnity of the Ascension is transferred to Sunday; still, attending Mass at a diocesan parish on 18 May meets the Mass obligation. Get thee to Mass!
Corpus Christi Updates: Rogation Sunday
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Rogation Sunday; May Devotion; Mother's Day; Ascension Day; Seminary Formation Fund; Eucharistic Revival; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Good Shepherd Sunday
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Christ the Good Shepherd; Day of Prayer for Vocations; John Henry Newman; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Easter 3
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Along the road to Emmaus; Christ our Hope; Seminary Formation Fund; More!
Easter 2: Divine Mercy
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Low-Thomas-Quasimodo-in albis-Divine Mercy Sunday!