Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Even the dogs"; Back to School; Prayers for Teachers and Students; ...That you should become holy; More!
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
Tuesday, 15 August
8AM*, 12PM*, 6PM**
Holy Day of Obligation
*Roman Missal **Divine Worship
Rejoice we all in the Lord, keeping holy-day in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
in whose solemnity the Angels rejoice and glorify the Son of God.
Fifth Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "I will give you rest..."; 10 Years a Priest; Eucharist & Evangelism in the Ordinariate; "Aaron's drest"; more!
4th Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: “Not worthy of me"; Fire at Incarnation, Orlando and Second Collection; Three New Priests; Independence Day; More!
3rd Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "His eye is on the sparrow"; Nativity of John the Baptist; Peter & Paul; No to Torture; More!
2nd Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "The harvest is plentiful"; Summer Camp; the Sacred Heart of Jesus!"
Trinity Sunday
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Trinity Sunday: "God so loved the world"; The Trinity with St. Thomas; The Trinity & Love; Photo request; More!
Whitsunday: The Day of Pentecost
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Receive the Holy Spirit"; Whitsunday; Baptisms, Confirmations, and Weddings, Oh My!; Memorial Day; More!
Easter 7 & Pentecost Novena
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "That they may know you, the only true God"; Pray the Pentecost Novena for our next steps!; St Clare of Assisi on Daniel Island Consecrated; More!
Ascension Day
Thursday, May 18th, 8.00AM & 6.00PM
Holy Mass for the Ascension of the Lord
A Holy Day of Obligation for Ordinariate members
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