Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Rogation Sunday; May Devotion; Mother's Day; Ascension Day; Seminary Formation Fund; Eucharistic Revival; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Good Shepherd Sunday
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Christ the Good Shepherd; Day of Prayer for Vocations; John Henry Newman; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Easter 3
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Along the road to Emmaus; Christ our Hope; Seminary Formation Fund; More!
Easter 2: Divine Mercy
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Low-Thomas-Quasimodo-in albis-Divine Mercy Sunday!
The Paschal Triduum
Click on the image above to learn about the Paschal Triduum at Corpus Christi. "Let us prepare to live the Holy Triduum intensely, in order to share ever more deeply in the Mystery of Christ." - Benedict XVI
Palm Sunday
Click on the image above for Corpus Christi’s Palm Sunday updates: Palm Sunday, Holy Week, & the Sacred Triduum; St Mary in Passiontide & Our Sorrows; Blessed Palms & Palm Crosses; More!
Lent V: Passion Sunday
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Lazarus, come forth!"; Passion Sunday & Passiontide; the Evangelizing Drive of the Ordinariate; More!
Lent 4
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Light of the World"; Corned Beef on Friday?; Laetare Sunday/Mothering Sunday; Biblical Sacraments; More!
Lent 3
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Living water"; What to think about; Distraction & Attention; Eucharist & St John Henry Newman; Holy Week & Easter Schedule; More!
Ash Wednesday & Lenten Resources
Please click on the image above for Ash Wednesday information from Corpus Christi and resources for Lent.