Archbishop Di Noia on the Liturgy and Mission of the Ordinariates. (UPDATED)

On Saturday, 19 September, Archbishop Augustine Di Noia OP, Adjunct Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Chairman of the Interdicasterial Working Group, Anglicanae Traditiones, spoke at the annual Ordinariate Festival in London. The title of his paper was "Divine Worship and the Liturgical Vitality of the Church". Listen to his address, and to pray that his encouraging words may become a true roadmap for the growth and development of this important project in the Church.

UPDATE: Commentary from Fr. James Bradley:

As Archbishop Di Noia points out, “The institutional importance ofDivine Worship for the ordinariates is considerable. More than simply giving the ordinariates an outward distinctiveness that creates a profile for their parishes in a sea of Catholic parochial life, Divine Worship gives voice to the faith and tradition of prayer that has nourished the Catholic identity of the Anglican tradition”. In other words, whilst other elements of the Anglican tradition are by no means insignificant, it is only possible to make sense of these if first we have attended to the liturgical life given us. If the liturgical life of an ecclesial structure “uniquely expresses its inner life”, how can it make sense, on the one hand, to downplay the proper liturgical rites attributed to the personal ordinariates whilst, on the other hand, seek to promote other elements of the Anglican patrimony? The liturgical rites and texts are a priority. Divine Worship is an essential element. (Read on)