Letter from Fr. Allen: The Third Sunday in Lent & the Annunciation of the Lord, March 21, 2019



Dear Friends,

I feel like each of these little weekly epistles could begin with "Time flies!" Or, as Ferris Beuller said, "Life comes at you fast." And indeed it does. Below you will see notices for our Lent, Holy Week, and Sacred Triduum liturgies, as well as for this month's Evensong and Benediction, and also a Penance service.

Another exciting day I ask you to place on your calendars is Sunday, May 19th, when Bishop Lopes will join us for First Communions and Confirmations. I will have more information soon regarding the Bishop's visit and attendant celebrations, but for now I want simply to ask you in your charity to pray for those who are to receive the Sacraments at his hands:

First Communion: Henry A.; Ian C.; Juliana J.; Poppy M.

Confirmation: Lucy A.; William C.; Sean G.; Nathaniel H.; Beckham H.; Joshua J.; Elizabeth J.

Reception into Full Communion, Confirmation, and First Communion: Betsy S.

This is an exciting time in the life of our community as each of these dear ones moves "further up and further in" in his or her life in Christ. And it is a time for us to renew within ourselves the graces of these Sacraments, by giving ourselves to prayer, penance, and the practice of charity, sharing in their joy.

God bless you,
Fr. Allen
A prayer for those being prepared to receive First Holy Communion: 
O JESUS, who hast loved us with such exceeding great love as to give us the ineffable gift of the Holy Eucharist, inflame us with a burning zeal to promote Thy glory by preparing worthily the little children who are to approach Thy holy table for the first time. Protect, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, these young souls from the assaults of evil, strengthen their faith, increase their love and endow them with all the virtues that will make them worthy to receive Thee. Amen.

A prayer for those being prepared for Confirmation:
O GOD, who through the teaching of thy Son Jesus Christ didst prepare the disciples for the coming of the Comforter: Make ready, we beseech thee, the hearts and minds of thy servants who at this time are seeking the gifts of the Holy Ghost through the laying on of hands and anointing, that, drawing near with penitent and faithful hearts, they may be filled with his power; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.