We will host an Easter Egg Hunt after the 11AM Mass on Sunday, 5 May 2019. We will have Punch on the Portico at the same time. [Note that we have changed the date of the Easter Egg Hunt to 5 May.]
There will be separate areas for toddlers to hunt for eggs away from the older children for safety reasons.
Inclement weather plans: we will move Punch on the Portico to the Narthex and distribute eggs to the children rather than having them hunt for them.
Parents are requested to bring 10-12 filled plastic Easter Eggs no later than Palm Sunday, 14 April. It is requested that treats in the eggs have limited nuts and dairy/egg contents as a few children have allergies. Loose change is always a good egg stuffer!
Judi Lester will collect the eggs from you and is happy to answer any questions you may have. She is available by email or at 843.425.0783.