Bishop's Appeal 2023

From Fr. Allen:

This Sunday's celebration of the Chair of St Peter also coincides with "commitment Sunday" for the Bishop's Appeal. As I mentioned last week, our community has never failed to meet its goal for the appeal, for which I am very grateful. In truth, though, it is a relatively few of our members who contribute to the Appeal. So this year I hope especially that we may have a more broad participation. If you have not given in the past, would you please do so this year? Every little bit helps, and you will find that this material participation in the work of the Ordinariate beyond our parish will have the good effect of connecting you more personally to that work: "For," as the Lord saith, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." 

Beyond that, I can testify that our Bishop runs a lean, hardworking, Gospel-driven operation in our chancery. The money we give to the appeal doesn't feed some bloated and disconnected bureaucracy, but supports the work of evangelism and unity in our parishes and communities. You may find links to further information about the Appeal below, including to Bishop Lopes' message.

So give with a cheerful heart! All you need to pledge donate today can be found here.