Required Safe Environment Workshop

Christ Child as the Good Shepherd by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

Christ Child as the Good Shepherd by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

UPDATE 16Sep2018: This workshop is rescheduled for Wednesday, 19 September, due to Hurricane Florence. Our regular schedule of 5.30PM family supper and 6.00PM classes for adults and children will resume on Wednesday, 26 September.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at Corpus Christi
Safe Environment Workshop

Wednesday, September 12, 5.30PM
at St. Mary's (Church)

Dear friends,

At Corpus Christi, we are excited to offer Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the formation of our children, so that they may grow with their Good Shepherd "in stature and in wisdom and in favor with God and man" (Lk 2.52).

We are also completely committed to the safety of our children. To that end, we ask that at least one parent of each child participating in Catechesis attend our Safe Environment Workshop next Wednesday evening. The meeting will be brief, about 30 minutes. Scarlett Crawford, out Director of Religious Education, will present important information about our Safe Environment program, both for you and your child. As required by our certification process, you will be asked to sign a form stating that you have received the information. To participate in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, it is essential that you attend the workshop, receive the information, and sign the form.

There will be a short and fun Bible lesson for children during the workshop. We do not offer the "Teaching Touching Safely" program for children. Instead, we provide you the parents with age appropriate information for your children - you know your children best and how best to communicate that information to them.

Again, the workshop will be brief, and following the Safe Environment presentation, I will be available to respond to questions and discuss with you the current issues surrounding abuse in the Church.

Our first classes for children and adults will be on Wednesday, September 19, in the parish hall: Family supper at 5.30PM; class at 6.00PM.

Thank you for your interest in Catechesis! I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday - in the meantime, if you have any questions, please do let me know (email; 843.261.4188).

Faithfully in Christ,
Fr. Allen

P.S. If you haven't yet registered your child for Catechesis, please do so now!