Letter from Fr. Allen - November 22, 2018



Dear Friends,

Happy Thanksgiving! By the time this newsletter sloshes into your inbox, I hope you are viewing the world reading this through a tryptophan-induced somnolent haze! Today we give thanks especially for the bounty of this beautiful land and fruitful land. And as we give thanks, let us pray also for those who do not share in its bounty, and then let us resolve and act so that they may. I encourage you to think now of the concrete ways you may help the poor during this holiday season, remembering always that we are the unworthy recipients God's grace to us in Jesus Christ. And so, as we (sometimes!) hear prior to the Offertory at Mass: I beseech you brethren, by the mercies of God, to present yourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. And to  remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Speaking of giving, next Sunday is the Ordinariate's annual second collection for the Retirement Fund for Priests. Please keep me and my confreres in bait and tackle in our senescent decrepitude! More information is below, and you may give electronically here.

Below you will also again see information for the purchase of the "People's Edition" of our Missal. This is a book you will use! It includes the order of Mass and all of the readings and prayers for every Sunday and solemnity of the year. See below to reserve your copy today.

God bless you,
Fr Allen