Click on the image above for this week's updates from Corpus Christi: "I am the vine; you are the branches"; Seminary Formation Fund; Serving at the Altar of God; Ascension Day; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Easter 4 - Good Shepherd Sunday
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "I am the Good Shepherd"; Confirmations this Sunday; Seminary Formation Fund; AI, Jesus, and you; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Easter 3
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself"; a Resurrection meal; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Passion Sunday (Lent 5)
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "Sir, we wish to see Jesus."; Passion Sunday; Chrism Mass; Holy Week & Triduum; Communion changes us; More!
Wednesday School Cancelled for 3/13
Due to illness among teachers and student, we are cancelling Wednesday School for tonight, 3/13. We will resume next week!
Corpus Christi Updates: Lent 4
Click the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "...that the world might be saved through him,"; Laetare...Prepare with joy; Spring forward; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Lent 3
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "...making a whip of cords, he drove them all,"; Parting and drawing near; Miracle of the Eucharist; Bishop's Appeal; Holy Week & Paschal Triduum; More!
Corpus Christi Updates: Lent 2
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "...and he was transfigured before them"; "O wondrous type!"; Bishop's Appeal; Wednesday School; Adoration & Stations; More!
Wednesday School RSVP, 02-28-2024
Please use this form to RSVP for Wednesday School community supper, February 28th.
Supper is served at 5.30PM, class begins at 6.00PM, everybody out the door at 7.00PM!
Corpus Christi Updates: Lent 1
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: "...he was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan"; Bishop's Appeal; Decalogue; Adoration & Stations; More!