Corpus Christi Updates: Passion Sunday
Corpus Christi Updates: Lent 1
Corpus Christi Updates: Ash Wednesday
Corpus Christi Updates: Quinquagesima
Corpus Christi Updates: Epiphany 4
Click on the image above to see this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: “Filled with wrath”; Candlemas this Wednesday; St Thomas Aquinas; More!
Achille Devéria (1800-1857), "Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath"
Corpus Christi Updates: The Epiphany of the Lord
Click on the image above for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: The Epiphany of the Lord - Wise Men from the East! Blessed Chalk! A Proclamation! A New Patron for a New Year! More!
(Image: Clementine Hunter, “Annunciation & Adoration of the Magi”)
Corpus Christi Updates: 21st Sunday after Trinity
Click on the image for this week’s updates from Corpus Christi: Blind Bartimaeus; All Saints' & All Souls; Submit Names for All Souls Remembrance; Duruflé Requiem; Rosary Resources; "Rosary in Bed"; More!
All Souls' Day: Duruflé's Requiem
November 2, 2021 | 6.00PM
At the evening All Souls' Day Mass, our prayers will be perfected by the St Mary's choir singing of the Duruflé setting of the Requiem Mass. This will be a privileged opportunity to hear one of the 20th century's greatest choral works sung in prayer and praise to God and for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed - that is, sung in the context and to the end for which it was composed. This Mass will be a beautiful offering to God for the repose of our loved ones, and also a great opportunity to invite friends and family to worship with us "in the beauty of holiness."
A Day to Rejoice and Be Glad!
Please click the image above to read about this happy day: The Solemnity of Ss Peter & Paul; Ordinations to the Priesthood Tonight (livestream); 70th Anniversary of Pope Benedict’s Priestly Ordination!