RSVP for Wednesday School: 15 May 2019

Joining us for Wednesday School on May 15th? Please RSVP using the form below so that we may adequately prepare. If you’re one of our regularly Wednesday School families and you’re not able to make it this week, would you please also respond and mark the number of people coming as 0? This also helps us prepare. Thank you!

Letter from Our Seminarian: Holy Saturday 2019


Holy Saturday 2019
Dear Fr. Allen and Corpus Christi Family,
The Triduum is upon all of us and we have begun that walk to Calvary and the Sepulchre.  I am keeping all of you in my prayers during that time of Grand Silence for all of us here at the Abbey. Three days of silence prepares you for the Good Friday Reproaches as the cantor sings “My people what have I done unto you, in what way have I offended you, answer me.” Yet, our of sorrow due to our acknowledgement of our sins comes to a close as we remind ourselves of His Love through the Sacrifice so that we can then acclaim “The Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia”.  I pray all of us have used this Lent to become silent to the world and shout to the joy of the Kingdom.
This semester brought much activity, from a mission trip to Ecuador in January to hosting the annual Youth Fest and then the "Come & See," when young men from around Louisiana come to discern a call to the priesthood.  I’m amazed at the faith that was found in remote villages in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador. These people who have so little compared to what we take for granted each day still give thanks daily for God, their Lord & King for all their blessings.  Watching high schoolers offering up their profession of faith as witnesses to God’s glory makes me assured that the Church is alive & then to hear the stories of the early callings of discernment by young men as they seek to serve that Church gives me hope of the Father’s love for his Bride.  
On May 10th, I expect to graduate by God’s grace and my limited intelligence!  Right after graduation I will travel to Houston where two of my seminarian brothers, Armando and Nathan, will be ordained to the Diaconate. Then I will fly home the next day for Bishop Lopes’ visit to Corpus Christi and for my niece’s first holy communion.  After that I fly right back to Houston to interview at St Mary’s major seminary and then drive to the Archdiocese of Omaha for my summer assignment.  I'm sorry I won’t have much time with y’all this summer.  Regardless of where I am you are always in my prayers.  I want to thank all of you for your support these last two years and really since I began this journey so many years ago, even while still an Episcopalian who heard Him call and came home to His One True Church.  Thank you for your love.  It is the most encouraging gift anyone can receive.   
In Christ,
Robb Lester

Letter from Fr. Allen: Divine Mercy Sunday 2019



Dear Friends,

My family and I have been enjoying a few days of R&R in the North Carolina mountains (see the view from our cabin porch [below]) in this Easter octave, in which we continue to celebrate the Good News that Christ is risen. I hope you also are taking time each day to revel in the hope given to us in the resurrection, even in the midst of work and school.

I've booted up the old laptop, though, to remind you especially of a great day in the life of our parish which will soon be upon us. On Sunday, May 19, Bishop Lopes will be with us to celebrate Mass, at which there will also be First Communions and the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people. Mass will be followed by an ample and festive reception. So please plan on being at Mass to welcome the bishop and to support those receiving the sacraments with your prayer and presence!

Another big day soon approaches for our seminarian, Robb Lester. Robb will graduate from St. Joseph's Abbey Seminary College on May 10th. Following graduation Robb will spend the summer working in a ministry assignment in Omaha (Omaha!?), and then begin his studies at St. Mary's Seminary in Houston in the Fall. [Here] there is a letter from Robb reporting on his semester. Congratulations, Robb!

God bless you,
Fr. Allen

Easter Duty

Easter Duty

What is Easter Duty? Is it about confession or Communion? Canon lawyer Cathy Caridi:

[W]hile the code [of canon law] does not mandate that we Catholics must receive the sacrament of penance at any particular time of year, it does specify that we receive Holy Communion during the Easter season. Canon 920 notes that once a Catholic has received his First Holy Communion, he is obliged to receive this sacrament at least once a year, during paschal time (i.e., between Easter and Pentecost). This, and not a perceived requirement to go to confession, is the actual origin of the term "Easter Duty."

Read her whole post where she discusses confusion around this term in great detail here.

Parish Penance Service and First Reconciliation

Parish Penance Service and First Reconciliation

Wednesday, 8 May, 6.00PM

Join those preparing for the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation by receiving the sacrament of Penance (Confession). 

“Every single confession is always a new and definitive step towards a more perfect sanctification; a tender embrace, full of mercy, which helps to expand the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of love, truth and peace." - Pope Francis

Note: Wednesday School does not meet on 8 May