Letter from Fr. Allen: May 24, 2018



Dear friends,

Last Sunday's Solemnity of Pentecost brought to a close the great feasts of our redemption - those mighty acts of God whereby we are redeemed. They are summed up starkly for us in the Great Litany: 

By the mystery of thy holy Incarnation; by thy holy Nativity and Circumcision; by thy Baptism, Fasting, and Temptation....By thine Agony and Bloody Sweat; by thy Cross and Passion; by thy precious Death and Burial; by thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension; and by the Coming of the Holy Spirit, Good Lord, deliver us. 

And with the mystery of our redemption in Christ laid before us, the Church invites us to meditate on that redemption in a smaller cycle of feasts beginning this Sunday with Trinity Sunday, then Corpus Christi (our Feast of Title!) next Sunday, and then the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart on the following Friday. Of this sequence of feasts, Pope Benedict once said,
Each one of these liturgical events highlights a perspective by which the whole mystery of the Christian faith is embraced: and that is, respectively the reality of the Triune God, the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the divine and human centre of the Person of Christ. These are truly aspects of the one mystery of salvation which, in a certain sense, sum up the whole itinerary of the revelation of Jesus, from his Incarnation to his death and Resurrection and, finally, to his Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

And so I urge you to be in Mass and give yourself over to this annual pattern of devotion, that the Holy Spirit may lead you "further up and further in" to the joy and freedom of our salvation in Christ.

As you know, Corpus Christi is a special celebration for us, and also an occasion to think and pray together about God's call to us as a community. Please do participate in the parish meeting on Saturday, June 2nd, and also do not neglect to give thanks, pray, and adore at Evensong & Benediction on Sunday the 3rd (festive wine and cheese reception to follow!). Also, your RSVP for the parish meeting would be a big help in our planning.

See you Sunday, and God bless you, 
Fr Allen

Letter from Fr. Allen: May 18, 2018



Dear friends,

Come, Holy Ghost!

This Sunday we keep the great solemnity of Pentecost, or "Whitsunday" as it is commonly called in the English tradition. We remember that on this day God the Holy Ghost, filled and empowered the infant Apostolic Church to give witness to the good news of Jesus "in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth." Pentecost has not been revoked! Still the Spirit fills, empowers, and guides the Church - you and me! - in the joyful work of the Gospel.

In the calendar of the Ordinariates the "octave" of Pentecost has been restored - the entire week, Sunday to Sunday, becomes one long and festive liturgical day. This octave, especially for a missionary enterprise like the Ordinariates, reminds us of the Spirit's continuing presence and power among us - again, precisely for the work of ministry. 

As we celebrate Whitsunday and as we approach the fifth anniversary of our community's founding on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Sunday, June 3rd), I ask you to pray that we would have a renewed awareness of and reliance upon the Spirit's gifts to us, so that, like the Apostles on the morning of Pentecost, we too might give joyful and bold witness to the resurrection of Jesus, and that many might be added to our number of peaceful, happy Catholics.

To that end, and inseparably from it, I ask you - members and friends alike - to attend the parish meeting planned for Saturday, June 2nd, as we begin reasoning and praying together about the next steps in our community's life (which is to ask, where are we going? how may we give ourselves more fully to the Spirit's ministry of witness to Jesus?), and also to join with us for Evensong & Benediction in celebration our Fifth Anniversary on Corpus Christi, our "titular solemnity," on Sunday, June 3rd.

See you Sunday, and God bless you, 
Fr Allen

Letter from Fr. Allen: May 11, 2018



Dear friends,

Each year on the seventh Sunday of Easter we hear a portion of what is commonly called the "High Priestly Prayer" of Jesus, from the 17th chapter of John. This is his prayer of Maundy Thursday, "the day before he suffered," in which he prays for himself, his apostles, and for all of us who would come to believe through the Apostles' witness. As to why this prayer is called "High Priestly" I plan to wax pedantic in Sunday's homily, but notice in the excerpt above that the Lord's prayer for his Apostolic Church is that "they may be one."

This unity the Lord wills for his Church is in a very special sense our mission in the Ordinariate. Our very existence is the gracious response of the Church to Anglican Christians whose holy desire was to return to the full communion of the Catholic Church. We are a living sign of the Catholic Church's ecumenical heart. And just so, we are here to invite and welcome "separated brethren" (of whose number most of us once were) into the joy and freedom of full communion.

As Bishop Lopes has said, “It’s an ecumenical sensitivity on the part of the Popes that has allowed this movement, recognising that the Holy Spirit has been truly working in this community outside of full communion, drawing them into the fullness of communion of the Church... I think it gives a very fine example to people who are paying attention outside of the Church (that) there’s a way to become Catholic where we can still maintain very key elements of our identity - 'I’m not simply swept away but celebrated and welcomed by the Church.'”

So let us join our prayer to that of Christ our High Priest, "that they all may be one." And having prayed, let us act. Invite a friend to Mass or Evensong! 

Finally, and in service to this mission given us by Christ, I have called a parish meeting for Saturday, June the 2nd, from 9.30AM till 12.30PM. The following Sunday will be the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, our feast of title and the fifth anniversary of the establishment of our community. And so the time is right for us to think and speak together about a vision for our parish community's future. Who are we now? And who, what, where is God calling us to be, and how do we get there from here? These are urgent questions for us, and we need (I require!) your input - members, friends, fellow travelers. There will be an email early next week which will give you more details and allow you to register for the meeting and reserve lunch.

See you Sunday, and God bless you, 
Fr Allen

Ascension Day!

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"Our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things..." (From the Collect for Ascension Day).

This Thursday, 10 May, is the Solemnity of the Ascension and a Holy Day of Obligation for Ordinariate members. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 8AM and 6.30PM that day. Ordinariate members must attend Mass, if not at Corpus Christi then at another conveniently located parish. In the Diocese of Charleston, the Ascension is transferred to Sunday; still, attending Mass at a diocesan parish on 10 May meets your obligation. Get thee to Mass!